

Welcome to the BERUDA Sponsor an Orphan Project website. This blogspot is intended to provide some background information on this great project, along with profiles of supported orphans and those still in need of a sponsor.

The project aims to support orphans in the North West Region of Cameroon, by providing a means of ensuring 100% of sponsors money reaches children in need here in Africa.


John Paul
We have two local staff working with us full time as field workers, Velma and John Paul. Velma has been with us here since the end of 2009 and John Paul joined the team at the beginning of 2009.

For further information about the sponsored children, volunteering for the program, becoming a sponsor, or any other offers of support please email us at:

For further information feel free to check out these websites:

BERUDA (Belo Rural Development Association) is the local organization under which we operate the Orphan Project:

Afri Link is the UK support charity that supports and oversees the Orphan Project:

Kirabo is the European charity based in Spain that supports our project:

Sponsors Needed

Sponsor an Orphan Project has grown from two children in 2006, to now more than 60 children. There are still over 100 orphans in the area who need your help. 
If you would like more information, please contact us at

Currently we feel the following local children are in the greatest need of support:

Joel M is 21, and has been with our project for 5 years, but has just lost his sponsor. His mother died when Joel was a baby, and his father in 2006. He's just finished his first cycle of technical education and has three more years to go. His health is good and he's a hard worker. So if you're looking for a short term sponsorship, Joel would appreciate your support.

Emmanuel's parents died when he was a baby. He frequently falls sick. At the age of three he cannot walk as he seems to have problems from the waist down. He has not been to the hospital. He presently does not talk and seems to be losing his hearing ability. Emmanuel lives in a traditional mud brick home with his elder sister, and his grandmother, a subsistence farmer.

11 year old Sandra lives with her sister and grandmother, who sells puff-puff, deep fried bread. Her parents both died when she was young. She is a healthy secondary school student.

Frank Karon will be starting school in September. Now 5, his parents died when he was a baby of unknown illnesses. He lives with his widowed grandmother, a part-time teacher, who is supporting her own school-age children and although she can give him a home, is unable to pay for Frank Karon's upcoming school fees.


Collins is 8 years old and currently in Class Three. His mother died in 2002 and his father died in 2005. He lives with his grandmother, who is the only adult supporting both Collins and his sister.

Gillian is 12 years old and is in Class 6. Her father died in 2001 and her mother died in 2004. She is currently living with her aunt.

ASEP primary teacher Chanseline
After School Education Program
The Sponsor an Orphan Project has built an after school building with two classrooms, one each for primary and secondary students, who are in our program and other local children. Many do not have the support or ability at home to help with their education. We hired a primary teacher in March, 2012, and rely on volunteers for the secondary students. We would like to hire a secondary school teacher as well, for as little as 23 Euros per month. 
Can you help us reach our goal?

Our Project Support Fund 
also desperately needs your help. 
Sponsorship of our children does not include any administrative costs.  The Support Fund pays for the administrative costs, equipment for the office, paper, photocopying, internet, the ASEP (After School Education Program), electricity, etc. These funds ensure that the project will continue to run in an effective manner in order to serve the underprivileged in the Belo community. If you would like to send a monthly or a one-time donation, please contact us or contact directly to donate and specify Project Support Fund. 



If you would like to help us carry out our work please donate. Even if it is just £1 – please send it. Donations of all sizes will be greatly appreciated!

The easiest way is probably just click donate now, see below and follow the simple instructions to pay with your debit or visa card. Or you can log on to your internet banking and send it direct to our account. We also have a Paypal account if you are a Paypal user. Alternatively a good old fashioned cheque sent to us by post is just as welcome

If you are interested in doing this, please just contact us and we will send you the details.

Introducing Our People

The following is a list of the children and young people supported by the Sponsor an Orphan Project.